Winner of the 2021 Wueller Award for the best teaching assistant in an undergraduate elective in the Columbia University Department of Economics (solo winner)
Winner of the 2020 Wueller Award for the best teaching assistant in an undergraduate elective in the Columbia University Department of Economics (two-way tie)
Winner of the 2019 Wueller Award for the best teaching assistant in an undergraduate elective in the Columbia University Department of Economics (solo winner)
Winner of the 2018 Wueller Award for the best teaching assistant in an undergraduate elective in the Columbia University Department of Economics (solo winner)
Course Experience
Game Theory
Instructor (Summer 2020): Columbia University
Instructor (Summer 2019): Columbia University
Teaching Assistant (Spring 2018): Columbia University [with Prof. Benjamin Ho]
Teaching Assistant (Fall 2017): Columbia University [with Prof. Benjamin Ho]
Teaching Assistant (Summer 2017): Columbia University [with Dr. Jeremy Ward]
Industrial Organization
Teaching Assistant (Spring 2019): Columbia University [with Prof. John Asker]
Teaching Assistant (Fall 2018): Columbia University [with Prof. Wouter Vergote]
The Economics of Uncertainty and Information
Teaching Assistant (Fall 2019): Columbia University [with Prof. Pierre-Andre Chiappori]
Teaching Assistant (Fall 2020): Columbia University [with Prof. Pierre-Andre Chiappori]
Market Design
Teaching Assistant (Spring 2020): Columbia University [with Prof. Guillaume Haeringer]
Introductory Econometrics
Teaching Assistant (Summer 2018): Columbia University [with Prof. Seyhan Erden]